The realization of a stylish, functional and durable interior goes through many processes. The realization of a stylish, functional and durable interior goes through many processes. In this regard, designers are expected to have knowledge of spatial planning and functional distribution, to be able to work with two-dimensional and three-dimensional drawing and modeling software, to know the rules and regulations for design, to have good psychological knowledge, to have a good idea of color formation, to be able to communicate, to have knowledge in various fields such as furniture design and production, lighting, electrical installations, plumbing, textiles, metalworking, construction, materials and technologies and much more.
It is almost impossible to have even a little knowledge of all this, if you do not deal professionally with interior design.
The professional interior design can be prepared only by an interior designer or architect. Do not try to do this alone or with friends, relatives, etc., because there are many factors that affect the end result.
When choosing a designer or architect, do not be fooled by the lowest price. The fee you will pay for interior design is a modest part of the budget that will be needed for its implementation. Good design can save you time, money and frustration. Make an appointment with several architectural or design studios and trust those designers whose projects and work style you like.
Before embarking on interior changes to an existing home or a new one, you need to make sure that you are ready for this initiative. The first two things you need to ensure are time and money!
For a professional interior project and its implementation takes 6 to 12 months, depending on the size and complexity of implementation.
It is also good to think about what budget you can spend on the project before going to the initial meeting with a designer or architect. From our experience over the years with a number of realized interior projects, we can roughly tell you that you will have to set aside at least about 1200 BGN. per square meter of living space.
This amount includes everything you need for the realization of a new, stylish, functional and durable interior – construction work with materials and materials, heating and cooling, sanitation, flooring, wall coverings, soffits, changes in plumbing, electrical installation, lighting, switches and sockets, cabinet furniture, freestanding furniture, curtains and textiles.
Of course, some extras are not included here, such as professional video and audio sound, smart home automation, boutique items and more.
Before you start any repairs to your existing home, think carefully about what you want to change and what can be preserved – for example, if the windows are in good condition, they may not be replaced. If the balconies or terraces have flooring and it looks good and is in good condition, it can be preserved.
Also, if an item or lamp has a sentimental value for you, you can assign a special place in the new interior. However, it is not desirable to keep existing furniture, especially built-in wardrobes and kitchens. You could keep the dining table and chairs, but this will lead to compelling references to interior style and color scheme in the new interior. Everything that is preserved will greatly limit the ability to design a new, independent and impressive interior.
Absolutely not desirable! The interior design can lead to a change in the electrical the installation or its replacement with a new one, moving plumbing pipes and connections, often building a new plumbing installation, moving walls and light openings. All this is related to breaking, dust, etc. similar activities, due to which it is not possible to live in the apartment during the renovation.
Over the years, we have reduced our crews and subcontractors to a certain circle of specialists and suppliers whom we fully trust and can guarantee their high quality and correctness, as well as rely on them for achievable deadlines, flexibility and precision.
In the event that MONBLAN DESIGN is not involved in the management of the object, you may use any subcontractor of your choice, and we will assume responsibility only for the author’s control.
It is good in one apartment that all the rooms correspond visually and stylistically, as well as reflect the atmosphere of the current occupants. You need to consider whether you really need interior design of only one room and what will change this in general in the home.
Often the interior project is associated with changing electrical installations, replacing or relocating plumbing pipes and connections, changing soffits, which leads to the question of whether it’s all worth it just for one room. However, if you have decided that the room needs to be changed, we will provide the necessary assistance under individual conditions, deadlines and prices.
We design throughout the country, we also have projects abroad.
We can take over the management of the implementation for Northeastern Bulgaria and author’s control for the whole country.
After the completion of the design comes the process of implementation.
The author’s control engages the designers to check the implementation and whether it corresponds to the approved assignment to the project.
They can give guidance on various cases during site visits.
But they have no other commitments such as meeting deadlines, delivering materials and items, payments to merchants, etc. The author’s control is agreed for the number of site visits.
Implementation management is the responsibility we take to our clients regarding the finalization of the project in the allotted time, within the set budget and quality assurance in every detail.
This includes preparing bills of quantities and an accurate budget, preparing schedules for M&S and deliveries, coordinating crews and subcontractors, properly allocating the budget according to plan, making deliveries and monitoring their deadlines, organizing the individual stages of implementation, meeting the site of subcontractors and suppliers, unlocking and locking the site and many other activities that save the investor time and money.
Management is defined as a percentage of the value of the budget.